April 2020 Minutes
Regular Meeting Minutes
Chairperson Chuck Chadbourne called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with all board members present via teleconference.
The agenda was reviewed by the board and a motion was made by Joann Splonskowski and seconded by Chuck to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
After reviewing the minutes of the March 2, 2020 meeting, a motion was made by Joann and seconded by Gerry Schram to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
The Treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Mary Schermerhorn. A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Chuck to approve the treasurer’s report as given. Motion carried.
Road Report:
Joann gave a summary of road conditions. There had been some erosion of 295th which was taken care of, and there is a hole in the middle of the road on W. Pickerel which will be addressed.
Tom is ready to begin crack filling.
Old Business:
The paper work for the liquor licenses for the Four Corners Detroit Lakes and for SNH Properties, LLC dba Four Corners Detroit Lakes were presented. After a clarification of why two licenses were needed, a motion was made by Joann and seconded by Gerry to approve the license for Four Corners Detroit Lakes. After a brief discussion regarding the effective dates of each, the motion carried and the license was approved. A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Gerry to approve the license for SNH Properties, LLC dba Four Corners Detroit Lakes. Motion carried. The owners will need to provide to the board a completed copies. Karen signed the paperwork and Chuck will sign ASAP after the conclusion of the meeting.
The upcoming Appeals and Equalization meeting was discussed. It was suggested that this meeting be handled the same way via teleconference. A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Chuck to do the Appeals and Equalization the same way via teleconference. Motion carried.
Quotes: A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Chuck to accept all quotes received with the right to reject or accept any individual quotes for contracts. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Chuck to approve Theo Blauert for the roadside mowing contract. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Chuck to approve Tom Graham for the crack filling contract. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Chuck to approve Stenger Dust Control for the magnesium chloride application contract. Motion approved.
A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Gerry to approve Graham Excavating for the winter sanding contract. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Chuck to approve Tom Graham for the grading contract. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Chuck to approve Joe Stenger and Graham Excavating contracts for spreading gravel. Motion carried.
Joann presented a proposal from Grant regarding providing gravel for Erie Township. The commitment would be for 5,000 yards of gravel at $4.00 per yard. A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Chuck to accept this proposal. There was a brief discussion. Gerry suggested that it should be put out for quotes. Joann said that Erie Township had contracted for gravel with Graham excavating twice before. The motion was called to a vote and passed with
a vote of 2 to 1. Gerry opposed.
Other contractors with quotes will be contacted when and if additional work is needed.
The weed inspector will be going out to inspect. Joann will go with when she goes out.
Regarding the road review tour, a motion was made by Joann and seconded by Chuck to allow Grant to go on the tour on his own and submit recommendations in writing. Supervisors will then go on individual tours per the recommendations and then compare and make and prioritize a list. Motion carried.
Website: We need to make some guidelines and specifications for Amos Mosher as to how long to keep notifications on the site. Videotaping meetings to put on the website was briefly discussed. Joann had looked into MAT’s recommended links to video conferencing. Discussion as to cost, what equipment would be needed, and other factors led to a suggestion to put it on the back burner until a later date so more research could be done and more information could be gathered.
A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Gerry to approve payment of the following bills in the amount of $8636.61 and to transfer $25,000 from the checking account to the money market account. Motion carried.
U.S. Treasury $ 1386.43
MN Dept. of Revenue $ 539.60
Karen Eifealdt $ 48.47
Keith Gilbertson $ 105.00
Charles Chadbourne $ 323.00
Joann Splonskowski $ 120.00
Karen Eifealdt $ 157.50
Gerald Schram $ 202.50
Lon Engberg $ 395.50
Virginia Gilbertson $ 150.00
Community Co-op $ 125.34
Wild Rice Electric $ 67.34
Moores Septic $ 80.00
Mark Palm $ 563.00
Grant Graham $ 3191.25
Tom Graham $ 1181.25
There being no further business, Joann made a motion to adjourn the meeting and the meeting was adjourned at 8:03p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Eifealdt, Clerk