December 2020 Minutes
Regular Meeting Minutes
Chairman Chuck Chadbourne called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with all board members present. Also in attendance were Becky and Dale Renner.
The agenda was reviewed by the board and a motion was made by Gerry Schram and seconded by Joann Splonskowski to approve the agenda with two additions to the road report as noted on the final agenda. Motion carried.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Clerk Karen Eifealdt read the minutes of the November 2nd and 5th regular meeting minutes. A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Gerry to approve the minutes with some minor clerical error corrections. Motion carried.
After reviewing the treasurer’s report as prepared by Treasurer Mary Schermerhorn, a motion was made by Joann and seconded by Gerry to approve the report as prepared with the checking account having a balance of $3,889.41; the money market account having a balance of $236,192.41; and the CD having a balance of $128,706.69, making total funds as of November 30th, 2020 being $318,796.19. Motion carried.
The snowplow contracts were discussed. The contract of the primary snowplow operator was signed. Contracts for alternate drivers will be signed as alternates are approved.
The snowplow was discussed and the need to begin repairs and inspections early enough so that it is ready for plowing by first snow. There was further discussion about whose responsibility it should be to schedule and follow through with those repairs and inspections. A motion was made by Gerry and seconded by Chuck that the primary driver be responsible for having the truck ready each year. There was additional discussion regarding a time frame for which it should be started. The motion was amended to include a date of June 1st by which those things should be started. Motion carried.
This information will be passed on to the primary snowplow driver.
A copy of the alternate driver’s contract was presented to the board by Joann. A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Gerry to approve the contract. Motion carried. These will be used as alternate drivers are approved. A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Chuck that a closing date of December 15th be added to the post on the website for alternate drivers. Motion carried.
Chuck gave a brief report on the search for an additional or a replacement snowplow. There are currently none available.
Burlington Township would like to get together to talk about Tower Road and the agreement that was made between Erie and Burlington in the past. Karen will look for a copy of the agreement.
Old Business;
Gerry gave a short update regarding zoning and the 2 mile extraterritorial and the option available to consider. It seems to be going in a positive direction.
No correspondence.
The election was briefly discussed. The date of the township election is March 9th 2021. In Erie Township, there are two offices that will be on the ballot: 1 Supervisor for a 3 year term and 1 Treasurer. The filing period is from December 29th – January 12th. In addition, a new clerk will be appointed to complete the term of Karen Eifealdt. The polling place was set for the upcoming year and Karen will get a copy to the Auditor’s office.
Joann will complete the weed report and submit it. Mark Palm did a second spraying for spotted knapweed and Erie Township looks in pretty good shape.
No citizen comments.
A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Gerry to approve payment of bills in the amount of $ 15,626.15 and to transfer $20,000 from the money market account to the checking account. Motion carried.
Chuck Chadbourne $1362.16
Mark Palm $720.33
Mary Schermerhorn $ 1569.95
Gerald Schram $ 1500.69
Joann Splonskowski $ 1270.60
Karen Eifealdt $ 2331.87
MN Dept. of Revenue $50.00
U.S. Treasury $ 1716.94
Joann Splonskowski $60.00
Moore’s Septic $80.00
MATIT $1112.00
Karen Eifealdt
Mary Schermerhorn $114.78
Theo Blauert $2015.00
Wild Rice Electric $57.81
Tom Graham $1365.15
There being no further business, a motion was made by Joann to adjourn the meeting and the meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Eifealdt, Clerk