May 2021 Minutes
May 4, 2021
Erie Township Regular Meeting Minutes
Supervisor Chuck Chadbourne called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. All board members were present. List of additional attendees is attached to this report.
The agenda was reviewed by the board and a motion was made by Supervisor Gerry Schram and second by Supervisor JoAnn Splonskowski to approve the agenda with one addition as noted on final agenda. Motion carried.
Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Clerk Karen Eifealdt read the minutes of the April 6, 2021 meeting. A motion was made by Supervisor Gerry Schram and seconded by Supervisor JoAnn Splonskowski to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried.
Treasurer Becky Renner gave the treasurers report with the checking account having a balance of $117,676.98, the money market account having a balance $168,832.09, the CD having a balance of $128,706.69. Total funds as of April 30, 2021 is $415,215.76. Treasurer Becky Renner stated that all claim forms are to be paid monthly, starting in June 2021. Also, Becky Renner was appointed administrator for PERA. Motion was made by Supervisor Gerry Schram to approve the treasurers report and seconded by Supervisor JoAnn Splonskowski. Motion carried.
Phil Hanson from Lakeview Township gave an extraterritorial update report. There are six townships taking back ordinances from the City of Detroit Lakes. A Joint Power of Agreement was approved this morning, for now (5/4/2021). Phil Hanson stated that the townships have an attorney, it will cost approximately $6,000 which will be split by six townships. Supervisor JoAnn Splonskowski requested that Erie Township be sent a copy of the bills from the attorney, as all bills will be sent to Lakeview Township. Each township is to establish a planning commission to represent their township. Supervisor JoAnn Splonskowski made a motion to adopt Ordinance # 2021-01 to establish the Erie Township Planning Commission. Supervisor Gerry Schram seconded the motion. Motion carried. After briefly reviewing the resolution to approve the summary language of the planning commission ordinance, Supervisor Joann Splonskowski made a motion to adopt the resolution approving summary language of the planning commission ordinance for publication. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Gerry Schram. Motion carried.
A date for the first planning commission meeting was discussed. Supervisor Chuck Chadbourne made a motion to set a public hearing on the proposed zoning and subdivision ordinance before the Planning Commission at 6:00 p.m. on June 1, 2021, and authorize the Clerk to provide notice of the hearing. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Joann Splonskowski. Motion carried. The first planning commission meeting will be held ½ hour prior to the June meeting. Clerk Karen Eifealdt will proceed with publications.
Bills were approved to be paid. Supervisor Gerry Schram made a motion to pay all bills and it was seconded by Supervisor JoAnn Splonskowski. Total bills paid $7,474.6. Motion carried.
Tom or Grant Graham were not present to give a road report.
The road tour took place on Saturday April 17, 2021 at 8 am with Supervisor Gerry Schram, Supervisor JoAnn Splonskowski, Supervisor Chuck Chadbourne and Tom Graham present. Supervisor Chuck Chadbourne is to turn in the road report from the tour to Clerk Karen Eifealdt. It was agreed to do road stabilization the same locations as 2020. Supervisor JoAnn Splonskowski made a motion to move forward with projects discussed on the road tour and Supervisor Gerry Schram seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 pm.
Supervisor Gerry Schram reported on what he found out regarding the old Mac’s Inn property and MN Pollution Control in which it is being monitored. Supervisor Gerry Schram agreed to do further research.
Clerk Karen Eifealdt received a letter from Northwoods Wildlife Rescue (nonprofit) requesting a donation. Supervisor JoAnn Splonskowski stated the township is a government entity and taxpayer’s dollars cannot be used for this type of thing.
Wesley Hegna, Erie Township’s assessor contract is up for renewal. Supervisor Gerry Schram made a motion to stay with the same contract as before and renew Wesley Hegna’s contract with contract ending April 30, 2024. Supervisor JoAnn Splonskowski seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Clerk Karen Eifealdt asked permission to update new statute books and manuals with also ordering a statute book to stay in Erie Township Hall. Supervisor JoAnn Splonskowski made motion to order new books and manuals. Supervisor Gerry Schram seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Jerry Kendall made a request that Erie Township check into having Andy Nolan clean up debris around his place as it devalues Gerald’s property. Supervisor Gerry Schram is going to check with County Commissioner Larry Knutson regarding how Burlington Township handled the Jason Mower property in getting that cleaned up. Jerry Kendall was told to return to next meeting to see what information has been received.
Supervisor JoAnn Splonskowski made motion to adjourn the meeting and Supervisor Gerry Schram seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Eifealdt, Clerk
Deb Zachariason, Deputy Clerk