January 2022 Minutes
Regular Board Meeting
January 4, 2022
Board members present: Chairman Charles Chadbourne; Supervisor Joann Splonskowski;
Supervisor Gerald Schram
Officers present: Clerk Karen Stenerson-Eifealdt; Treasurer Becky Renner
Others present: Dale Renner; Mel Manning; Anderson Saint George
Chairman Chuck Chadbourne called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The agenda was reviewed by the board. A motion was made by Supervisor Chadbourne and seconded by Supervisor Schram to approve the agenda with the additions as noted on the final agenda and to move the Compassion House presentation to directly after the treasurer’s report. Motion carried.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
A motion was made by Supervisor Splonskowski and seconded by Supervisor Schram to approve the minutes of the December 7, 2021 regular meeting as written. Motion carried.
Treasurer Becky Renner gave the treasurer’s report with the checking account having a balance of $7,456.39; the money market account having a balance of $485,762.93; and the CD having a balance of $129,264.70 making total funds as of December 31, 2021 $622,484.02. A motion was made by Supervisor Splonskowski and seconded by Supervisor Schram to approve the treasurer's report as given. Motion carried. Treasurer Renner requested to transfer $20,000 from the money market account to the checking account to satisfy the claims presented. A motion was made by Supervisor Schram and seconded by Supervisor Splonskowski to approve the transfer. Motion carried.
Anderson Saint George, Director of the Compassion House, gave a presentation about the recovery center and residential treatment programs at the Compassion House and how they have been impacted by COVID during the past few years. He shared the challenges they are facing and the financial assistance they are seeking. A motion was made by Supervisor Splonskowski to donate $75,000 from the ARPA funds to donate to the Compassion House. Supervisor Chadbourne seconded the motion for the sake of discussion. After some discussion, Supervisor Splonskowski withdrew her motion until it could be determined that a donation would meet the ARPA guidelines. This will be tabled until February.
Payment of Bills: January claims were submitted to the board for approval. A motion was made by Supervisor Schram and seconded by Supervisor Splonskowski to approve payment of payroll claims in the amount of $2,676.61 and all other claims in the amount of $4,409.89 for a total of $7,086.50. Motion carried.
Road Report:
There had been no response to the ad to get quotes for the sanding contract. Chuck will take the contract and offer it to Graham Excavating to continue his current contract to sand roads.
Supervisor Chadbourne noted that when one of the snowplow drivers went on vacation, the board should be informed of the dates of leaving and returning.
The State of MN has been logging 1000 acres and using Sunset Road reportedly as early as 4:00 a.m. and as late as 10:00 p.m. The township should be notified of this activity. Supervisor Chadbourne did note that Howard Mooney had contacted him. Supervisor Schram will go and talk to DNR.
Old Business;
All the suggestions for changes/additions to the administrative policies were gathered. If there are any additional suggestions, they should be emailed to the clerk. She will then put them all together to look it at February meeting.
The election in March was discussed and the appointment of election judges. This will be finalized in February
The Johnson survey that had been received by Becker County Zoning was reviewed. The board was unclear why there was not a packet of information and a hearing date set. The clerk will contact Kyle Vareberg to clarify and forward it to the board.
The township financial audit will be scheduled for February and will follow the regular meeting.
The ad for contractor quotes was discussed. The clerk presented the ad previously used for the board’s approval. There were no objections. The clerk will place the ad in two issues of the paper in late February and March. In addition, blank quote forms will be placed on the bulletin board outside the town hall and on the website.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Supervisor Splonskowski and seconded by Supervisor Schram to adjourn the meeting and the meeting was adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Eifealdt, Clerk