Monthly Meetings

2023 Reorganizational Meeting Minutes

March 21st,2023 Reorganizational Meeting Minutes

Present:  Supervisor Chuck Chadbourne, Supervisor Gerry Schram and Clerk Dawn Utke

Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Chadbourne at 6:30 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Chairman—Supervisor Chadbourne motioned to make Supervisor Schram the chairman, Supervisor Schram second, motion carried.

Vice Chairman—Supervisor Chadbourne motioned to appoint Supervisor Vareberg, Supervisor Schram second, motion carried.

Road Supervisor—Supervisor Chadbourne motioned to appoint Supervisor Vareberg, Supervisor Schram second, motion carried.

Weed Supervisor—Supervisor Chadbourne motioned to appoint Supervisor Sundet, Supervisor Schram second, motion carried.

Public relations, legal affairs, courthouse matters—Supervisor Chadbourne motioned for Supervisor Schram to continue, Supervisor Schram second, motion carried.

Regular monthly meeting schedule—Supervisor Chadbourne motioned for continuance of meetings on first Tuesday of each month, Supervisor Schram second, motion carried.

Designation of publishing and posting legal notices, Supervisor Chadbourne motioned to continue with Detroit Lakes Tribune, Erie Town Hall and Erie website, Supervisor Schram second, motion carried.

Designation for depository funds—Supervisor Chadbourn motioned to continue with Bremer Bank, Supervisor Schram second, motion carried.

Setting of wages—Supervisor Chadbourn motioned to continue as is for all positions, Supervisor Schram second, motion carried.

Mileage—Supervisor Chadbourne motioned to follow Federal Guidelines, Supervisor Schram second, motion carried.

Animal Bounties—Supervisor Chadbourne motioned to keep as is with the $2.25, Supervisor Schram second, motion carried.

Frazee Rescue—Supervisor Chadbourne motioned to pay $5000 for last year and another $5000 for this year, Supervisor Schram second, motion carried. 

Administrative Policies—no discussion

Hall Maintenance—no discussion

Transfer of Records—I let Supervisor Chadbourne know, he needs to turn over any township business/records and keys to the townhall.

Supervisor Chadbourne motioned to adjourn meeting, Supervisor Schram second, meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

Amos Mosher