June Minutes 2023
Erie Township
Minutes of Regular Board Meeting
June 6th, 2023
Board Members Present: Chairperson Gerald Schram; Supervisor’s Kyle Vareberg and Neal Sundet
Officers Present: Clerk, Dawn Utke; Treasure, Becky Renner and ARPA Manager Deb Zachariason
Others Present: John Okeson, Kelly Grenier, Betty Bigger, Mitch Wimmer, Rod Nord, Carol
Nord, Ron Johnson, John and Margaret Peterka, Dan Gustner, Matt Arola, Terry
Larsen, Doug Leitheiser, Amos Mosher and Brian Bigger.
Chairperson Schram called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
Supervisor Vareberg motioned to adjourn last meeting due to not having the road tour, Supervisor Sundet second, motion carried.
After the agenda was reviewed by the board, Supervisor Sundet added payment to Amos Mosher under old business, Supervisor Schram also added NW and NE Pickeral Lake Roads grading and under new business Erie Township population. Supervisor Sundet motioned to approve agenda and Supervisor Vareberg second, motion carried.
Chairperson Schram welcomed everyone.
Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The May 2nd 2023 regular meeting minutes were reviewed. Supervisor Sundet made the motion to approve with no changes, Supervisor Vareberg second, motion carried.
Road Report: Supervisor Vareberg stated that gravel was put on South Cotton Lake and Teideman Road.
Discussion was had on dust control. Supervisor Vareberg stated the reason the road tour was cancelled was that the best person to tell which roads needed gravel was for Mr. Gustner to take notes when blading and forward it on to Mr. Renner. Mr. Vareberg made the motion to approve 335th 305th, Tower Rd, 170th East and West, 330th South of 34, South Cotton Lake and Tiedeman Road. Supervisor Sundet second, motion carried.
Supervisor Sundet made a motion to have the grader turn around in Betty Biggers yard and to blade back down, Supervisor Vareberg second, motion carried. Betty was going to make another donation for the township’s efforts.
John and Margaret Peterka had concerns with storm clean up and what is still left in the ditches. Supervisor Vareberg thanked them for bringing it to their attention and they will look into it.
New Business:
Contracts—Mr. Gustner for snowplowing and D & D Septic and Excavating for gravel, Chairperson Schram read to the public their bids, Supervisor Sundet motioned to approve, Supervisor Vareberg second, motion carried.
Contracts—Supervisor moved to approve the current contracts and the clerk to mail them out as is, Supervisor Vareberg second and motion carried.
Snow Plows—Supervisor Sundet made a motion to check with Auction Block for the sale of the plows, Supervisor Vareberg second, motion carried.
Town Hall—Mr. Vareberg made a motion to put an RFP together and he would bring it back to our next meeting,
Business Plan—Renner is putting together some figures and will bring back to the next meeting on what we spent last year and our proposed budget and what we should have as a cushion--30 % of our budget.
Planning and Zoning—No issues
Records Retention Resolution—Board needs to sign and it will get mailed into the state. Supervisor Sundet made the motion to approve the resolution, Chairperson Schram second, motion carried.
Erie Township population—No issues
Contracts were signed.
Treasure’s Report:
Treasure Renner gave the treasure’s report ending May 31st, 2023, with the checking account having a balance of $41, 878.90; the money market having an ending balance of $620,898.15; the bank made a $3,000 mistake when cashing in the CD; the ending balance of the CD is $133,077.96 with a total balance of all accounts at $795,855.01. Supervisor Sundet moved to approve the treasure’s report, Supervisor Vareberg second, motion carried.
The following is a list of warrants present to the board for approval:
Arvig $96.45
Becker County Auditor--Ballots $79.61
Community Coops of Lake Park $1,151.66
Gustner Construction $11,630.00
Lakes Area Dirt Works LLC $110.00
Luke’s Tree Service $600.00
Amos Mosher $50.00
Becky Renner $210.93
Dawn Utke $56.08
Wild Rice Electric $75.00
Deb Zachariason $55.00
Total Warrants $14,114.73
Supervisor Vareberg made the motion to approve, Supervisor Sundet second, motion carried.
Refuse and Garbage Fund—Supervisor Sundet made the motion to move to the Fire Fund, Supervisor Vareberg second, motion carried.
Sand/Salt was returned to the highway department, Treasure Renner with check with Jonah to see if we can get a refund.
Old Business:
ARPA-Supervisor Vareberg made a motion to have the snow plow purchase be taken out of the ARPA funds, Supervisor Sundet second, motion carried.
Payment to Amos Mosher—Chairperson Schram had some concerns and wanted to make sure there was no gap in entering items on our website. Mr. Mosher assured him there would not be any further delays.
Supervisor Sundet motioned to pay Mr. Mosher, Supervisor Vareberg second, motion carried.
NW & NE Pickeral Lake grading—Chairperson Schram wanted to make sure Gustner lifted his blade up on the minimum maintenance road.
Mr. Okeson wanted to let the board know that their work was done but that were some small holes that needed to be repaired by hand on Pickeral Lake Road.
Ron Johnson asked about putting a slower speed limit sign up and Mr. Okeson explained that they would have to go through the county engineer to do that, which could take some time.
Supervisor Vareberg made the motion to continue meeting to next Tuesday June 13th 2023 at 5:30 p.m. meeting with Burlington Township.
Respectfully Submitted
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Dawn Utke, Clerk Gerry Schram, Chairperson