October 2020 Minutes
Regular Meeting Minutes
Chairperson Chuck Chadbourne called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with all board members present. Also in attendance were Dale & Becky Renner.
The agenda was reviewed by the board and a motion was made by Joann Splonskowski and seconded by Gerry Schram to approve the agenda with one addition as noted on the final agenda. Motion carried.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Clerk Karen Eifealdt read the minutes of the September 1, 2020 regular meeting. A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Gerry to approve the minutes as read.
After reviewing the treasurer’s report as prepared by the treasurer, Mary Schermerhorn, a motion was made by Gerry and seconded by Joann to approve the report as prepared with the checking account having a balance of $9,546.26; the money market account having a balance of $237,327.28; the CD having a balance of $127,936.96 with total funds as of September 30, 2020 being $374,810.50. Motion carried.
The meeting was moved to outside to review Election Day and how the outside tent should be put up.
After moving back inside, Hubble Pond Rd was discussed. Joann read the letter from the meeting that had taken place on 9-14-2020. Chuck suggested that the board should resolve to agree with and adhere to the contents of the letter with one correction as noted. A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Gerry that the letter be accepted and approved with the correction. Motion carried.
Snowplowing was discussed. Chuck suggested that an ad be placed for snowplow operators for Erie Township as outlined during the discussion. A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Gerry to run the ad as discussed with a closing date of October 24th. Motion carried.
The matter of the November meeting was discussed. It was decided the Monday, November 2nd would work for everyone to meet for the regular meeting. A motion was made by Chuck and seconded by Gerry to set the regular meeting for November on Monday, November 2nd. Motion carried.
The specifics and details of the general election were discussed. Karen presented a list of needs for approval. A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Gerry to approve the purchase of the items on the list.
Karen indicated that Bob Eifealdt had offered to put a floor in the tent with pallets and plywood. After much discussion, a motion was made by Joann and seconded by Chuck to approve a payment of $75.00. Motion approved.
There was a brief discussion regarding the rental of a tent as proposed at the cost as given by the rental company. A motion was made by Gerry and seconded by Joann to rent the tent as proposed. Motion will carry. Joann will call the rental company.
The electrical work was discussed. After further discussion regarding putting an outside outlet on the east side of hall in case additional electrical needs become necessary for the tent, a motion was made by Gerry and seconded by Chuck to approve the additional work. Chuck will get in touch with the electrician.
A reminder that any expenses related to COVID and coming out of the CARES funds need to be paid/spent by November 15th.
Chuck handed out a handout from the fire department showing the years report and proposed changes for next year along with an estimate of cost to Erie Township.
During the Zoning report, Gerry shared an update on the two mile territorial issue.
The Clerk and Treasurer positions were discussed. A clerk will need to be appointed to assume the responsibilities of the clerk’s position for the remainder of the term. The treasurer position will be on the ballot in March. There was some discussion to add a deputy clerk and deputy treasurer as soon as possible to help with the transition. After the election, a notice will be put on the website.
A reminder that the road certification is due by November 1st. There was a brief discussion on any changes. Being none, Karen will complete the report and drop off at the Highway Department.
A motion was made by Gerry and seconded by Joann to approve payment of the following bills in the amount of $8,476.40 and to transfer $2500 from the money market account to the checking account. Motion carried.
Minnesota Revenue $28.12
U.S. Treasury $411.80
Arvig $120.03
Mary Schermerhorn $33.29
Tom Graham $ 5,250.00
Becker Co Highway Dept. $574.29
Wild Rice Electric $ 41.91
Graham Excavating $1,992.20
Karen Eifealdt $ 24.79
There being no further business, a motion was made by Joann to adjourn the meeting and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Eifealdt, Clerk
As a matter of clarification on a miscommunication that occurred during the meeting and which also be included and addressed in the November minutes next month, the discussion regarding snowplow operators and the placement of an ad for snowplow operators, it was pointed out that because the operators are employees and not contractors, there is no need to advertise. Even though their contract is a yearly one, as long as that employee is doing a satisfactory job and there is no cause for termination, he can continue to be employed by the township.
That being said, there will be an ad posted for alternate qualified drivers who can and will be used for backup drivers in Erie Township. This will be posted at the town hall and on the website.