June 2020 Minutes
Regular Meeting Minutes
Chairperson Chuck Chadbourne called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with all board members present. Prior to admitting any residents into the town hall, the guidelines for reopening meetings were reviewed. After reading through the guidelines, there was a brief discussion. A motion was made by Chuck and seconded by Gerry to approve the reopening of township meetings as presented. Motion carried. Those residents having business with the town board were admitted to the hall and Chuck went over the guidelines as had been discussed and approved by the board. Those present were Becky and Dale Renner, Matt Arola, Grant and Brenda Graham and Tom Graham.
The agenda was reviewed by the board and additional items were added to the agenda. With the additions, a motion was made by Joann Splonskowski and seconded by Gerry Schram to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Clerk Karen Eifealdt read the minutes from the May 12, 2020 meeting. A motion was made by Gerry and seconded by Joann to approve the minutes of the May 12, 2020 meeting as read. Motion carried. Karen then read the minutes of the May 18, 2020 special board meeting. A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Gerry to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried.
The treasurer’s report was reviewed by the board. A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Chuck to approve the report as it had been prepared. Motion carried.
Road Report
Grant went through the revised road review list dated May 31st. A motion was made by Gerry and seconded by Chuck to approve the list. Motion carried.
Brian Shepard came out to look at the hill on 170th St. and gave his thoughts and recommendations. After some discussion, the suggestion was made to keep looking at it and keep looking into different resources to help pay with the cost of it.
The bridge was discussed and the cost of placing guardrails on the bridge was discussed. After discussion, the suggestion of putting up chevrons (arrows) was proposed. After more discussion, a motion was made by Joann and seconded by Gerry to place chevrons instead of guardrails on the bridge. Motion carried with 2 for and 1 opposed.
The suggestion was made to change the road supervisor from Joann to Chuck citing more experience and more available as the reasons for the change. The motion was made by Gerry and seconded by Chuck to change the road supervisor duties from Joann to Chuck. After a short discussion, the vote was taken by roll call and motion carried with 2 for and 1 opposed.
Old Business:
Mark Palm will be paid to spray weeds at the same rate as last year. He will not spray on 170th St until September when the Lady Slippers are done blooming.
Recycling bins and the issues with dumping garbage was discussed. Gerry will talk to the county about them taking responsibility to monitor the garbage. Also discussed was when the host site should be paid and it was decided that when the check is received from the county, the host site should receive payment. A motion was made by Joann and seconded by Chuck that the remainder of the 2019 check that was received should be distributed to them.
The process used for quotes and stockpiling gravel was discussed. After some heated discussion, the chairman closed the discussion.
New Business
Election judge training was discussed. The county is waiting for some guidelines from the state as to how to handle the training. Absentee voting was also discussed and it was decided that absentee voting would be recommended and encouraged for both the primary and for the general election. Karen will write something up.
Zoning requests were briefly discussed. Chuck will attend the meeting.
The purchase of a new copy machine/printer was discussed. One that could copy both letter and legal size paper. A motion was made by Chuck and seconded by Joann to purchase a copier that can be used for elections. Karen will research and purchase one.
Grant asked that the township write a check for the rock crushing bill.
Payment of bills
A motion was made by Chuck and seconded by Gerry to approve payment of the following bills, in the amount of $33,143.47 and to transfer $35,000 from the money market account to the checking account. Motion carried.
Chuck Chadbourne $ 415.57
Mark Palm $ 189.32
Mary Schermerhorn $ 69.22
Gerald Schram $ 484.84
Joann Splonskowski $ 691.10
Karen Eifealdt $ 484.84
Joann Splonskowski $ 90.85
Gerald Schram $ 56.35
Karen Eifealdt $ 222.96
Mary Schermerhorn $ 100.80
Becker Co. SWCD $ 80.00
Wild Rice Electric $ 40.83
Graham Excavating $ 5518.50
Tom Graham $ 4698.75
Chad Freeman $20000.00
There being no further business, a motion was made by Joann to adjourn the meeting and the meeting was adjourned at 9:06 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Eifealdt, Clerk