Monthly Meetings

June Minutes 2022

Erie Township

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

June 7, 2022


Board Members Present:   Chairman Charles Chadbourne, Supervisor Gerald Schram and Supervisor 

                                                Kyle Vareberg.

Officers Present:                  Clerk, Dawn Utke; Treasurer, Becky Renner and ARPA Manager 

                                                Deb Zachariason.

Others Present:                    Dan & Holly Gustner, Doug Gramm, Row Johnson, Tony Matter, Don Dronen,

                                                Jerry & Kathy Disse, Mitch Wimmer, Joe Stenger, Matt Arola, Tom Graham,

                                                Grant Graham and Kelly Arenier.

Chairman Chuck Chadbourne called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  The agenda was reviewed by the board.  A motion was made by Supervisor Schram and seconded by Supervisor Vareberg to approve the agenda with three additions:  305th sign, Gustner letter and a form designed for contractor’s information sheet.  Motion was made and carried.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

After reviewing the minutes from May 3,2022 meeting, Supervisor Chadbourne wanted to make a correction to the April 5, 2022 meeting minutes to state that Excavating and Skid Steer work be awarded to all four bids and that the supervisor can use his discretion on who he chooses upon the availability of contractors.  Supervisor Chadbourne made the motion and Supervisor Vareberg seconded to change the wording in the minutes.  The only correction for May 3, 2022 meeting minutes was that Supervisor Vareberg made the motion for Treasurer Renner to purchase 1,000 checks. 

Treasurer, Becky Renner, gave the treasure’s report with the checking account having an ending May balance of $14,449.33; the money market having an ending balance of $456,786.01 and the cd having and ending balance of $129,264.70 making a total ending balance of all accounts $609,550.04.  Supervisor Schram motioned to approve the treasure’s report and Supervisor Vareberg second.  Motion was carried.  

Treasurer Renner reported that the bank has increased our total collateral coverage to $850,000.  Treasurer Renner requested that we move $50,000 from the money market account to the checking account in order to pay bills.  Supervisor Schram motioned to move the $50,000 from the money market account to our checking, Supervisor Vareberg second.  Motion was carried.  Treasurer Renner also requested that we pay $50 per month in advance to Wild Rice Electric to avoid late charges as the bill comes out after bill payment is done.  Supervisor Schram made a motion to pay Wild Rice in advance and Supervisor Vareberg second.  Motion was carried.

A motion was made by Supervisor Chadbourne to approve payments of payroll in the amount of $1,754.42 and claims in the amount of $36,105.10 making total claim of $37,859.52.  Supervisor Vareberg second.  Motion was carried.

Road Report: 

There are roughly five loads of gravel left, they will use the rest on the roads that are in the worst condition before Corbin Excavating starts with the dust control. 

Old Business:

  1.  Excavating and Skid Steer work, motion was already made to correct the minutes to read all four contractors will be used, with the discretion of Supervisor Chadbourne upon the availability of the contractors.  

New Business:

  1. Manual labor tabled to a special meeting.

  2. Culvert/Approaches—Effective June 1, 2022 Erie Township will no longer provide culverts to its citizens.  Property owners will need to obtain a permit from Erie Township so prior to purchasing they will have what is needed per code.  Motion was made by Supervisor Schram and Supervisor Vareberg second.  Motion carried.

  3. Class 5 bids tabled to a special meeting.

  4.  Minnesota Association of Township membership cards disbursed.  

  5. Populations Estimates—no objection.

  6. Notice of Public hearing—no objections Supervisor Chadbourne made a motion and Supervisor Schram second.

  7. ARPA report—Manager, Deb Zachariason will design a letter to go out to Erie Township citizens to see what they would like so see ARPA funds go to.  If enough interest we would possibly hold a citizen’s meeting.

  8. Gustner’s Letter—wanted to know how supervisors came to their decision. Discussion was had and Mr. Gustner would like a fair chance in the future.

  9. Blind approach sign will go up on 305th.  Mr. Disse will decide with his neighbor on where to put it.

Citizen’s Comments:

Citizens on South Shore of Cotton Lake would like help with dust control, they will be added to July’s agenda.  Joe Stenger checked with Driveway Services and if they want to reclaim the road with 2 - 2 inch layers, it would be upward of $50,000.  

Continuation of May 3rd Meeting Road Tour, see attached Minutes.

Special Meeting to be held 6/22/22 at 4:45 p.m.

Meeting adjourned.

May 7, 2022 

Continuation of May 3, 2022 meeting.  This is for the purpose of a road tour review township roads in order to estimate needed up keep.  

Attendees via pickup were Gerry Schram, Kyle Vareberg, Chuck Chadbourne Tom Graham and Grant Graham.

The township roads were reviewed.  It was noted that the roads to have magnesium chloride applied, should have CL 5 modified applied before application of magnesium chloride.  

The board decided that it was okay to apply CL5 modified on areas that will have magnesium chloride applied.  The decision was based on a time frame for said work.  CL 5 modified will be from our existing stockpile and as per existing contract.

The magnesium chloride is for gravel stabilization.

Meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.  Motion by Supervisor Kyle Vareberg, second by Supervisor Schram, motion passed.

Chuck Chadbourne Recorder

Signed by all Supervisors

Amos Mosher