Monthly Meetings

January Minutes 2025


Regular Board Meeting Minutes

January 7, 2025

Board members present:  Chairman Neal Sundet, Supervisor Kyle Vareberg, Supervisor

Brett Friesen

Officers present: Clerk Karen Eifealdt, Treasurer Becky Renner

Others present: Donna Kennedy, Chris Kennedy, Dale Renner, Matt Arola

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairman Sundet.

After reviewing the agenda, a motion was made by Supervisor Vareberg and seconded by Supervisor Sundet to approve the agenda with no changes.  Motion carried.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

After reviewing the minutes of the December 2, 2024 regular board meeting, a motion was made by Supervisor Friesen and seconded by Supervisor Vareberg to approve the minutes of the meeting with one correction that Supervisor Friesen was in attendance by phone.  Motion carried.

Treasurer Renner gave the treasurer’s report ending December 31, 2024 with the checking account having an ending balance of $163,787.15; the Money Market having an ending balance in the amount of $515,980.57; and the CD having an ending balance of $141,807.55 with total funds in the amount of $821,575.27 as of December 31, 2024.  A motion was made by Supervisor Vareberg and seconded by Supervisor Friesen to approve the treasurer’s report as given.  Motion carried.

The Board reviewed the claims with one question of a sanding bill from Boit Excavating.  Detroit Township had arranged for them to sand part of Mountain Road.  The claim was approved with a note that this should not happen in the future. After reviewing all the claims, the Board approved payment of all claims with the exception of the remaining balance owed to Driveway Service in the amount of 18,231.50.



Boit Excavating


City of Detroit Lakes


Column Software PBC


Gustner Construction LLC


Mosher, Amos


Runquist, Robert


Renner, Becky


Stenerson-Eifealdt, Karen


Sundet, Neal


Wild Rice Electric


Zachariason, Debra


Bremer Bank


Internal Revenue Service


MN Dept of Revenue


Road Report:

A call came from NW Pickerel Lake Road to request sand on the gravel road.  The board approved to send Dan Gustner out with his blade to rough it up.

A resident on Woodland Circle asked if the township could take over the plowing of a private road (about 600 feet).  The supervisors will talk to Gustner to see if there’s room to turn around.

Someone on Schram Road asked if his driveway could be plowed.  Gustner will do that.

Supervisor Sundet gave an update on the NW Pickerel Lake minimum maintenance road reporting that all landowners are in favor and all will sign an easement to allow the township to proceed.  Supervisor Vareberg suggested Troy Gilchrest has done much work for townships and could possibly draft the necessary documents.  Supervisor Vareberg will contact him to discuss the process.

Old Business:

  1. Before releasing payment of the remaining balance for the 305th Ave project, the supervisors agreed they would like to invite Dennis from Driveway Service to attend the February meeting to discuss the issues.  They will try to get a few people who commented on the project to attend also.  Supervisor Sundet will contact Driveway Service.

New Business: 

  1. Sand/Salt Policy:  Suervisor Vareberg brought a copy of the Becker County policy and went through it, with the board making changes to it to fit the needs of Erie Township. Treasurer Renner offered to type up the policy with the changes discussed.  A motion was made by Supervisor Vareberg and seconded by Supervisor Sundet to approve the sand/salt policy for Erie Township with the agreed upon changes discussed.  Motion carried. 

Supervisor Vareberg also noted that Hough had offered to provide sand/salt and the truck to spread it, but all agreed that Gustner could do it.  Supervisor Vareberg also commented that he would possibly ask the County Engineer to put out a county wide statement regarding the salting/sanding of gravel roads.

  1. Clerk Eifealdt had received a copy of the Pelican River Watershed Districe -2024 revised rules which was shared with the Board.  Supervisor Vareberg briefly addressed the changes indicating that they were a positive thing and did not make it more restrictive.

  2. The liquor license requests will be in February’s meeting.

  3. The annual financial audit was set for the March meeting at the conclusion of the regular meeting on March 4th.  There was a brief discussion of possibly arranging for an outside audit as well.

  4. After briefly discussing the resolution to delegate the retail registration of Cannibus to the county, a motion was made by Supervisor Sundet and seconded by Supervisor Friesen to approve the resolution.  Motion carried and the resolution was signed by Chairman Sundet and Clerk Eifealdt.

There being no further business, a motion was made by Supervisor Vareberg and seconded by Supervisor Sundet to adjourn the meeting and the meeting was adjourned at 7:23 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Eifealdt, Clerk

Amos Mosher