October Minutes 2022
Erie Township
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
October 4th, 2022
Board Members Present: Chairman Charles Chadbourne, Supervisor Gerald Schram and Supervisor
Kyle Vareberg.
Officers Present: Clerk Dawn Utke, Treasurer Becky Renner and ARPA General Manager
Deb Zachariason.
Others Present: Matt Arola, Dale Renner and Dan Gustner.
Chairman Chuck Chadbourne called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The agenda was reviewed by the board. Two items added to the agenda Ramsey—boulder on 170th was added to the road report and John Okeson was added to new business in regards to Road Analysis on tar roads. Supervisor Schram motioned to approve and Supervisor Vareberg second, motion was carried.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
After reviewing minutes from the September 6th meeting Supervisor Vareberg made the motion to approve, Supervisor Schram second, motion was carried.
Treasurer Renner gave the Treasure’s Report with the checking account having an ending September balance of $125,972.59, the money market having an ending balance of $513,060.74 and the cd having an ending balance of $129,264.70 making a total ending balance of all accounts at $768,298.03. Supervisor Schram motioned to approve, Supervisor Vareberg second, motion was carried.
Payment of bills, Supervisor Vareberg made a motion to approve bills and Supervisor Schram second, motion was carried.
Road Report:
Dan Gustner will look and take notes in regards to the storm cleanup from the road tour on 9/9/22 on South Cotton Lake Road and 205th St, 33 feet from the center of the road.
Old Business:
Contracts—Clerk Dawn Utke provided generic contracts from Minnesota Township Association. Treasurer Becky Renner revised to our specific needs and gave to Supervisor Chadbourne for approval.
ARPA Report—Supervisor Schram would like to see 170th looked at and a new townhall with storage for snow plows looked at. Supervisor Schram motioned to have Supervisor Chadbourne look into the hill on 170th and Supervisor Vareberg second, motion carried.
Supervisor Vareberg made a motion for Supervisor Schram to get estimates on a new building and Supervisor Chadbourne second, motion carried.
New Business:
Supervisor Vareberg motioned for Clerk Utke and Treasurer Renner to attend MATIT meeting on November 15th and Supervisor Schram second, motion carried.
Snowplow Applicants: Both applicants were approved, Supervisor Chadbourne will coordinate with both drivers, Supervisor Vareberg made the motion and Supervisor Schram second, motion carried.
Septic System Road Encroachment for Jim Jacobson, Supervisor Schram made a motion to approve and Supervisor Vareberg second, motion carried.
John Okeson Road Analysis for tar roads, Supervisor Vareberg motioned for John to look at all tar roads in Erie township and Supervisor Schram second, motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m. Supervisor Vareberg made the motion, Supervisor Schram second, motion carried.