November Minutes 2024
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
November 12,2024
Board members present: Chairman Neal Sundet, Supervisor Kyle Vareberg, Supervisor
Brett Friesen
Officers present: Clerk Karen Eifealdt, Treasurer Becky Renner
Others present: Matt Arola, Dan Gustner, Dale Renner
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairman Sundet.
A motion was made by Supervisor Vareberg and seconded by Supervisor Sundet to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
A motion was made by Supervisor Vareberg and seconded by Supervisor Sundet to approve the minutes of the October 1, 2024 regular meeting. Motion carried.
Treasurer Renner gave the treasurer’s report ending October 31, 2024 with the checking account having an ending balance of $91,918.97 ; the Money Market account having an ending balance of $512,109.77; and the CD having an ending balance of $141,807.55; with total funds in the amount of $745,836.29. A motion was made by Supervisor Sundet and seconded by Supervisor Vareberg to approve the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried.
The claims were reviewed and approved by the Board of Supervisors – payroll claims in the amount of $5,100.02 and expense claims in the amount of $18,088.97 for a total of $23,188.99.
Ernest Anderson Gravel, INC $ 203.35
Arvig $ 96.45
B&M Electric $ 287.70
Becker County Hwy Dept $6,848.24
Bowers, Terry $ 230.00
Gustner Construction LLC $8,410.00
MATIT $1,003.00
Mosher, Amos $ 50.00
Renner, Becky $ 69.95
Piekarski, Crystal $ 45.24
Stenerson-Eifealdt, Karen $ 86.95
Sundet, Neal $ 48.51
Wild Rice Electric $ 100.00
Zchariason, Debra $ 55.00
Bremer Bank $ 154.58
No Citizen Comments
Road Report:
Roads overall are in pretty good shape. Gravelling is at the same point as it was at last report, but will resume when the new equipment arrives.
The turnarounds for the grader and snowplow were discussed. Supervisor Vareberg will contact both landowners to discuss what would need to be done make it easier for the snowplow and grader to turn around.
NW Pickerel Lake Road was discussed and the plan to proceed. A group walked the road to look at options and the most cost effective solution. Supervisor Sundet suggested the the landowners needed to be contacted first, then a description of what needs to be done prepared, then put it out for bids. There was discussion of holding a meeting with all the affected landowners to discuss a plan for moving forward and to identify a leader for the group. The supervisors agreed to take things one step at a time and start by getting a list of the landowners and try to set up a meeting.
The Carlson Road canopy was discussed briefly. Rob Rungquist will take care of it. He currently has $500,000 of liability insurance. Supervisor Sundet will contact him to see if he would be willing to increase his insurance to the 1.5 million required for contractors.
The 305th Ave paving project was discussed. The southbound lane of the road has been reported to be like a roller coaster. Since John Okeson was the project leader, it was suggested that he be requested to attend the next meeting to discuss the issue. Clerk Eifealdt will send an email to John and the township board to make that request.
Old Business:
Tower Road was briefly discussed and John Okeson will be contacted to see where it is at.
New Business:
Treasurer Renner presented some information to upgrade the website so that it is a .gov website. Supervisor Sundet will get information on another option from emails he’s received and Supervisor Friesen will ask his wife to look over the different options and give suggestions.
The maintenance of the town hall was discussed. There is a spot on the floor that needs to be filled in so no one trips and falls. Painting of the hall outside was also discussed as it is peeling. It will be put on the agenda in March or April. Supervisor Sundet will ask Rob Rungquist to take care of the spot on the floor and also to remove the doors on the voting booth. Treasurer Renner will make curtains for all the booths.
Clerk Eifealdt shared the election results for Erie Township. There were 884 in person voters and 384 absentee voters for a total of 1268 which is 95% of the registered voters in Erie Township.
Clerk Eifealdt shared information from the Becker County Sheriff’s Dept regarding Becker County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan. They are seeking Public Comment and wanted the notice posted where the public can be made aware.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Supervisor Vareberg and seconded by Supervisor Sundet to adjourn the meeting and the meeting was adjourned at 7:01 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Karen Eifealdt, Clerk